Sunday Worship - 9 AM
Starting in March, we will return to our hybrid worship schedule. We will have online only worship services and Zoom coffee hours afterward on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month and we will be meeting in person in our sanctuary at 9:00 AM for worship on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month!
Our worship service begins at 9 am. The service is a traditional order of song, scripture, reading, prayer and a sermon or reflection based on the Revised Common Lectionary. The music is traditional hymns, with a wonderful mix of classical pieces performed by our amazing network of musicians.
Communion is typically served the first Sunday of the month and all are welcome at the Lord's table. Grape juice and gluten free wafers are blessed and available along with the bread and wine when we meet in person. Covid precautions remain in place, and communion may be online. When this is the case, you are invited to bring your own "bread" and "cup," and join us in a blessed feast. When in person, communion elements may be pre-packaged.
The third Sunday of each month is traditionally our Folk Sunday and features a variety of acoustic instruments, and a more casual music mix. Play an instrument? We are always open for new musicians.
We celebrate the seasons of the church calendar. Watch for announcements of Holy Day services that don't fall on Sunday for, Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, and Maundy Thursday, in particular. Special seasonal services are Sundays during Advent, Christmastide, Lent, Eastertide, and Pentecost.

Our services are always followed by fellowship with coffee and food. On the second Sunday of each month we typically share a Potluck Meal, however our potlucks remain suspended due to pandemic precautions. When we are online the First and Third Sundays of each month, we enjoy fellowship via Zoom, which always brings lively discussion. We try to have a just for fun fellowship opportunities regularly--Movie Night, Music Trivia, Caroling at Christmas, etc. In cooperation with our Joint Venture partners, the Episcopal Church in Almaden, there are often other opportunities for joint fellowship for fun or spiritual growth.

Music is a vital part of our community, we are a great audience, and have always enjoyed a rich blessing of musical talent in our congregation over the years. Our Shalom Choir is temporarily on hiatus due to pandemic precautions. When we are meeting, we prepare an anthem for three Sundays a month, and special music for special services. Musical training and talent are optional, and we have a great deal of fun. We are actively recruiting singers as we plan to restart soon!
Our Joint Venture Hand Bell Choir meets Wednesdays at 4:30 pm with Ruthanne Adams Martinez. Special performances are scheduled several times throughout the year for church services and occasionally other concerts.
Our Folk Choir, under the direction of John Hawes practices once a month the third Wednesday of the month to prepare for the following Sunday.